The Queens Head


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Rebellion Winter Royal Rocking Rudolph Timothy Taylor - Landlord 4.3% Greene King IPA
Rebellion Winter Royal

Rebellion Winter Royal


abv: 5.4%

Ruby & Malty

Originally brewed by the Wethereds Brewery in Marlow, Winter Royal became one of their flagship beers until the brewery closed in 1988. We are proud to be reviving this popular beer using the original Wethered's recipe.
Traditional Fuggles and a Goldings hop variety add to the authenticity of this classic English beer. The result is a deep, ruby winter warmer at 5.4%, with a rich maltiness, soft bitterness and a fantastic late and dry hop aroma.
What makes this beer extra special is that we are brewing our Winter Royal using 100% Marlow Bottom malted barley, harvested this year from fields next to Rebellion.

Brewery Website


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Rocking Rudolph

Rocking Rudolph


abv: 4.2%

Ruby & Bitter

A full bodied beer with redcurrant and blackcurrant flavours, along with a malted toffee taste. A crisp bitter finish.

Brewery Website


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Timothy Taylor - Landlord 4.3%

Timothy Taylor - Landlord 4.3%


abv: 4.3%

Amber & Refreshing

A hoppy, increasingly bitter finish compliments the background malt and citrus character of the full-flavoured and well-balanced amber ale.

Brewery Website


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Greene King IPA

Greene King IPA


abv: 3.6%

Golden & Hoppy

This hoppy, refreshing beer is brewed in the historic market town of Bury St Edmunds, in the heart of Suffolk, where brewing has been an important part of the town's history even as far back as 1086 when brewing in the town was recorded in the Domesday Book.

Brewery Website


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